Sunday, June 1, 2014

First post, God bless.


I am just starting my blog here, and should probably start with an introduction so you, my readers, can really understand the message I am trying to convey, and exactly who you are hearing from. 

I am a a woman, in her early twenties.
I am a wife, happily married for almost one year.
I am a mother, to a wonderful young toddler.
I am a friend, to everyone I come across - whether they chose to return this gift or not.
I am a daughter, to a set of giving parents.
And finally, I am a sister - to my two siblings, whom I miss dearly.

In Galatians 3:28 (MSG), the Bible says, "In Christ's family there can be no division into Jew or non-Jew, slave and free, male and female. Among us you are all equal. That is, we are all in a common relationship with Jesus Christ." 

Referring back to my introduction -- it doesn't matter who I am. It doesn't matter what I've done, how I've sinned. It doesn't matter who you are, or what you've done in your past, or the ways you have sinned. You and I, we are equal. So it doesn't matter that we are different, you and I. It doesn't matter how many children I have, how much money I make, or what I do for a living - same for you. What matters is life. What you do with it, how you decide to live it, and who you decide to dedicate this wonderful life to. 

In this blog, I WILL be referring to Bible verses. I WILL NOT have all the answers. I WILL mention the names "God", "Jesus", and "Christ" a few thousand times, if not more. Should this offend you, I invite you to still read, still try to understand. I may not have all the answers, but I am fumbling down the same path as many thousands upon thousands of other souls, trying to become closer to God. If you are looking for answers, I am not God. And I could not fathom what God is even like, or what he thinks - unless I, too, was God. But I believe with all my heart and soul - and so I will relay his teachings through our Bible to reach others who may be lost, or struggling. I will dedicate my time to helping others understand what being a Christian is about, and how one can better live their life through Christianity. Through our lives, our marriages, parenting, social interactions - we are tested. While there isn't a right "answer", I believe this is a right "way". I hope this reaches out to the people it needs to. God Bless :).


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